martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

The best in my field

The best in my field of studding for me is definitely Henry Mintzberg. He is a very famous contemporaneous theorist of the organization and a management strategist. I know that I already talk bout him in the oral presentation but for me he is a very important person in our field, now with all the paradigm change we have to learn about other points of view about what an organization or an institution means and also we have to change the way that we are doing the management. His work has been focused in the understanding of the composition of the organization and in the teaching of this new management. his most important work is the creation of the theory of the compositions. The composition theory includes the systemic way to understand the organization, in this vision all the part of the organization work together and are united by the spirit of the organization. His innovative work change the all studding of the organizations before him the originations were studied separated from its environment and each part was studied separately. For me he is very important because when you are a beginner in the management study it is very complicated to understand what an organization or an institution is, whit his vision all seem so more easy and you can understand better getting and idea connected with you situation and realizing that an institution is not something hard to explain.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

corection post

There is a photograph very important to me. it is in the Villarica`s lake in the south of Chile. I don’t really know who took this picture, it probably was taken by uncle Pity. He loves to take pictures from everybody... All my cousins appears in this photograph, we were 15 at that time, so it was a long line of children in the beach and the funnies, was that I and two other cousins were in the womb of our mothers. At one side of the photograph you can see the lake that has been part of our life since I was born. At the other side is my grandmother my grandfather and the rest of my mother’s brothers and sisters; they are 12. The picture was taken 20 yeas ago, it was probably taken on February because all family reunited in that month and we went together to the beach. We are 34 cousins now and in this summer we want to take the same picture, could you figure that?. I like so much that photograph because shows my family and how united we are, we support each other and we will be always together.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

my career

Welcome to my career! The Public management. I’m studying this major because I want to be a politic scientist and this is the only way to get into the politic science studying in the University of Chile so if I want I can chose that option when the third year ends. The contribution of the public managers is in the government field, we organize the public service, serve the needs of the people and manage project and policies for the nation, and we are the bridge between the government and the society that is a very big responsibility and an important contribution. A very good tool in this area is definitely to know English because the world is changing and all the nations and governments are working together in this “globalized” planet, so if you don’t know English will be very difficult in the future to be a good public manager or a politic scientist. At first I didn’t like this major but then I realize that this is what I like; it will give me the tools and enhance my skills. My favorite subject until this time has been “history of the political thinking”, probably that subject won’t be useful in my career but in this major is a very important one. I like to help people; they are the most important element of the Estate and in my career I’ll have the opportunity to do that every time, finding and creating solutions for their problems.