The technologies are every day going faster and faster, we were born on the age of the computers, mobiles, internet, and all the other services and devises that we call technology. But are we really connected with the technology, is it really a helper or is taking off time to do other thing? By my perspective, in my field the technologies well used are the best tool that we could have, but if we don’t have the skills is also the biggest challenge and we need to work out about it.
First, the technologies implemented in the public management have been a very new process inserted in a biggest one. The modernization of the state as an important change in the management of the public policies asks for new process to do their public commitment. In this case the technologies have been used for reach the new goals of the administration, like efficiency, efficacy and transparency. With the new technologies of information and communication (TIC) involved in this modernization process, the state pretend be closer to the people and their demands.
Secondly, about the technologies in used for the subjects, they have been very useful, especially for the ones that I have to write a lot of papers and so research. The technologies have to be focuses to help and contribute to the knowledge. We can see that everybody uses technology in our days, but are we really using it well? Some people (including myself) spend all day behind a screen. Then we need to think about the benefits and risk that the technology is bringing to us, probably we need increase our abilities to handle the new systems and programs. I know that it helps a lot connecting people faster, but some time I think that we are losing the touch contact that is very important especially in my major. The problem is not the technology by itself, would be illogic complain with a machine. The problem starts with us. We need to change the way that we are using this new tools and realize that they are just a helper, not a way to live.
Concluding, the technologies are very important in our time, probably we couldn’t do a lot of things without it. The government has implemented the techlogies to work closer to the people and for the people, but the result is not the best yet. Using the technologies in my subjects in a good way, I can take advantage and do better things that without it. some times I would just like know more about technologies and try to used in the best way for my subjects and challenges which usually need of technology to reach it.
miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009
domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009
2009 most impactant news
This year that is leaving us has been full of very important news. Doing a summarizing of which new has impacted me the most, is probable the current situation in Tijuana, Mexico. This new how I said in not from Chile, but it has to be with a problem that affects all the countries in the world, the traffic of drugs. The first time that I sow this new it was in the newspaper, I got impacted because it shows a file of dead bodies lied in the street so I got closet and read the main title. It was something like “16 lives take every day the drug`s traffic in Tijuana, Mexico”. This new is not quite recently actually, this problem star a lot of years ago.
Tijuana, also called the “death frontier” is the most dangerous city in Mexico, that because two of the most important drugs dealer of that country, “Las Madres” and “El Cartel de Sinaloa”, are in a constant fight. The police of Tijuana found 16 death bodies, most of them with torture signals. Some of the bodies were dropped out of the government offices. Most of the victims were people from the construction and there were two young boys one of them of just 10 years old.
I my perspective this successes are very relevant for the country, here in Chie we have problem with the drugs traffic as well as in Mexico. Probable the size of the situation is different and in Chile we have the situation more controlled but any way, is a problem that not just affects the law, also is a social problem. There are families behind the drug dealers and all the violence and marginality that generate damage to the society. I have to say that this problem is so far from my reality, but I some way all the things that happen in the world touch you in some point of your life.
I feel very sad about the situation that is happening in Tijuana, I thing that the authorities have not put more control over this problem, they have to oversight hardly what is happening in the city and make real changes with the drugs policy.
Tijuana, also called the “death frontier” is the most dangerous city in Mexico, that because two of the most important drugs dealer of that country, “Las Madres” and “El Cartel de Sinaloa”, are in a constant fight. The police of Tijuana found 16 death bodies, most of them with torture signals. Some of the bodies were dropped out of the government offices. Most of the victims were people from the construction and there were two young boys one of them of just 10 years old.
I my perspective this successes are very relevant for the country, here in Chie we have problem with the drugs traffic as well as in Mexico. Probable the size of the situation is different and in Chile we have the situation more controlled but any way, is a problem that not just affects the law, also is a social problem. There are families behind the drug dealers and all the violence and marginality that generate damage to the society. I have to say that this problem is so far from my reality, but I some way all the things that happen in the world touch you in some point of your life.
I feel very sad about the situation that is happening in Tijuana, I thing that the authorities have not put more control over this problem, they have to oversight hardly what is happening in the city and make real changes with the drugs policy.
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009
Post # 10: Challenges in your discipline
The challenges in my discipline are related with how we can give a better service to the people. The public management as the politic science have the responsibility to identify the social needs of the people and try to solve it, creating new institutional resources and new was to connect the government goals with the demands of the people. About the technology, a very important success is happening in our days. The modernization of the state is a very important process in the management of the government. The way to do the tasks in the administration areas is different now, we can use a lot of devises that help us to improve our service in attendance to the people. A very important challenge in this field is that we must to know use the technology in the most efficient way, it mast to be a helper than a stone in our way to do our responsibilities. A unsolved issue in this area may be that we don’t have the tools, the academic tools to use the technological devises. Probably we now how use a the basic programs in a computer, but we need no go far as we can. To contribute to the knowledge we need get new ideas of the technology, and the help that the bring to our discipline.
The social challenge is definitely the most important one in this discipline. If you if you can not find the way to help the people and try to understand what they need or what they really want and give them a really solution then this challenge has not being reach. About this, maybe the only way to solve this challenge is working with more dedication and also creating really solution to the people, far from the political views.
The challenges in the education fiel in our discipline, are focuses in create more spaces to improve our social skills. The practice of the theory has been take away from the classroom and we need to be closer to the real world. A problem about this issue is that we are currentrly facing a very important problem with the professors if we can not give them what they deserve we ca not think to solve our academic problems. So first we need to find a soltion for they demands and then work toghether to solve the educational problem.
I would say that all the challenges that my discipline has can be solved by just one thing. The dedication and responsibility that we put on our work every day. Although a lot of people don’t thrust in the public management because they say that is just bureaucracy, and that maybe is true but probably if w don’t take this problem now and each one try to change the way to do the thing we could work out all the challenges in the path.
The social challenge is definitely the most important one in this discipline. If you if you can not find the way to help the people and try to understand what they need or what they really want and give them a really solution then this challenge has not being reach. About this, maybe the only way to solve this challenge is working with more dedication and also creating really solution to the people, far from the political views.
The challenges in the education fiel in our discipline, are focuses in create more spaces to improve our social skills. The practice of the theory has been take away from the classroom and we need to be closer to the real world. A problem about this issue is that we are currentrly facing a very important problem with the professors if we can not give them what they deserve we ca not think to solve our academic problems. So first we need to find a soltion for they demands and then work toghether to solve the educational problem.
I would say that all the challenges that my discipline has can be solved by just one thing. The dedication and responsibility that we put on our work every day. Although a lot of people don’t thrust in the public management because they say that is just bureaucracy, and that maybe is true but probably if w don’t take this problem now and each one try to change the way to do the thing we could work out all the challenges in the path.
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009
Post # 9: Improving your faculty facilities.
I am studying in what we call “the Escuelita”, the Escuelita is part of the INAP or Institute of Public Management of the University of Chile. We don`t really have a faculty for a lot of manage problem, the school of government and public management has never been for a long time in a faculty, so that set us in a disadvantage situation in comparison with the other faculties or institutes of the University. There is such a big gap between some faculties and our schools, if you go to the economic faculty and then come here you are probably going to ask yourself if you are in the same university.
The most important things to improve in “the Escuelita” is the infrastructure, it is really bad, almost going down and that is very depressive even for people who is not a student of this major. The out side people can see how unfair is the distribution of the money in the university. Although in the last year there have been some changes for good, they are not enough. We nee improve our classrooms, more places where read in quiet and places to study in groups.
Personally I think that if we want to change this current situation we need to put more emphasize in the good management of the recourses of the university, and also making more awareness among the students. To resolve this situation I would propose a plan to reorganize the resources, and building a new place for this major with all the things that we demand. If we have more space to develop our skills, a comfortable place to study and the facilities to improve in the major the benefits would be great. Probably more people would be interested in apply for this major, other important point is that a lot of student who get in to this major in the firs or second year quit because this was not what they were thinking about and the environment doesn´t help to full their expectations of what it mean being a student in the University of Chile.
The most important and closest improvement that we need is in relation with the professor’s matters, if the university can not pay well and in the right time is very difficult thing that we could improve in the infrastructure. Finally all the promises still being the biggest dream of “the Escuelita”.
The most important things to improve in “the Escuelita” is the infrastructure, it is really bad, almost going down and that is very depressive even for people who is not a student of this major. The out side people can see how unfair is the distribution of the money in the university. Although in the last year there have been some changes for good, they are not enough. We nee improve our classrooms, more places where read in quiet and places to study in groups.
Personally I think that if we want to change this current situation we need to put more emphasize in the good management of the recourses of the university, and also making more awareness among the students. To resolve this situation I would propose a plan to reorganize the resources, and building a new place for this major with all the things that we demand. If we have more space to develop our skills, a comfortable place to study and the facilities to improve in the major the benefits would be great. Probably more people would be interested in apply for this major, other important point is that a lot of student who get in to this major in the firs or second year quit because this was not what they were thinking about and the environment doesn´t help to full their expectations of what it mean being a student in the University of Chile.
The most important and closest improvement that we need is in relation with the professor’s matters, if the university can not pay well and in the right time is very difficult thing that we could improve in the infrastructure. Finally all the promises still being the biggest dream of “the Escuelita”.
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009
free time
Having free time at the university is something very unusual, the most of the time you have to spend you time studying or doing some paper for the college, and it gets worst if you beside the studies you have to work. Any way when I have at least a little of free time I enjoy it the most that I can. The things that I like to do when I have free time is doing sport like jogging and if I don’t have to do anything important the next day I like to go out with mi friends. For me even with a good conversation with someone is a good thing to do in my free time. When there is a long weekends I try to travel to my hometown in the south and share with my family and see my friends, in my house I usually work in the garden with my mother. Like I work in weekend I just have like 5 hours for me in the whole weekends but now that I quit I hope that the time for me increase, I am really tired.
The technology that we can handle like mobiles and computers has been a great help for the students, if my computed doesn’t work is like a nightmare. We have to get used so much to the technology because it helps doing easier the thing that we have to do. With the technology we have a little bet more of time to do other things, probably not things for themselves but at the end of the day you can rest a little longer, and that is very valuable.
For the university people as me is very important use you free time in a very efficient way because we don’t have enough time for doing all the things that we have to do, so I think that the most of the time that we have free time you take for you. The modernity has put over our shoulders a lot of tasking and stress, if you can not be at the same step that the rest you stay back. Continually you have to spend you time in you job or in the university, we are in a time when the time for ourselves is the less time in ours life. A very important problem is that we don’t know how to organize our time, if we use our time doing really important things maybe we would have more time for ourselves.
Probably if I had more time for my I would spend it going to the swimming pool, tidying up my room or traveling to my house in Temuco. I think that having more time you can also have a better life with less stress levels. Some times the people say that you don’t use your time well, but I say that is kind of impossible use well you time if you have one million things to do.
The technology that we can handle like mobiles and computers has been a great help for the students, if my computed doesn’t work is like a nightmare. We have to get used so much to the technology because it helps doing easier the thing that we have to do. With the technology we have a little bet more of time to do other things, probably not things for themselves but at the end of the day you can rest a little longer, and that is very valuable.
For the university people as me is very important use you free time in a very efficient way because we don’t have enough time for doing all the things that we have to do, so I think that the most of the time that we have free time you take for you. The modernity has put over our shoulders a lot of tasking and stress, if you can not be at the same step that the rest you stay back. Continually you have to spend you time in you job or in the university, we are in a time when the time for ourselves is the less time in ours life. A very important problem is that we don’t know how to organize our time, if we use our time doing really important things maybe we would have more time for ourselves.
Probably if I had more time for my I would spend it going to the swimming pool, tidying up my room or traveling to my house in Temuco. I think that having more time you can also have a better life with less stress levels. Some times the people say that you don’t use your time well, but I say that is kind of impossible use well you time if you have one million things to do.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
Summary from a career-related article from The Guardian
Unemployment: what the experts say
In, Wednesday 14 October 2009
This article deals with the current situation of how the economic recession has affected the employment, decreasing it in the last year. The unemployment past figure of 2.469 million of joblessness people, now is more optimist whit the current statistics figures that show a lees increase that which was expected, but, is that really a sign of hope for the unemployment issue?.
According to Howard Archer, chief UK and European economist at IHS Global Insight, gives a no so hopeful perspective of the situation, meanwhile the worst of the unemployment period has past, he expect that still having a way to rise, that because the economy does not have the strength to creates new jobs in a near time. Mr. Archer also explains that the youth unemployment could reach 1 million the coming year that because the school leavers are not finding job and the next school leavers will be in the same situation what probably will produce an increase in the youth unemployment if the authorities do not concern about it. About the same situation Martina Milburn, chief executive of the Prince's Trust, talks about the needing of support for the youth employment. She puts emphasize in the human cost that the recession has put on the youth people; she says that “Every one of those unemployed is a real person with real talents that can make a difference to this country”.
In the same hand of Mr. Archer, Colin Ellis, European economist at Daiwa Securities, explain that UK still in the “woods” and the unemployment could reach the amount of 3 million, mean this figure is lower that which was expected at the beginning of the recession, is enough high to believe in a real decrease of the unemployment, and if we plus the figures of the inflation, the situation is not so hopeful as we thought.
Summarizing the fact of a lower rising of the unemployment is a sign of the economy relieve, but in a lot of ways the recession is not over and the effects are over the table , the unemployment data is the main sign that the crisis has not left UK.
In, Wednesday 14 October 2009
This article deals with the current situation of how the economic recession has affected the employment, decreasing it in the last year. The unemployment past figure of 2.469 million of joblessness people, now is more optimist whit the current statistics figures that show a lees increase that which was expected, but, is that really a sign of hope for the unemployment issue?.
According to Howard Archer, chief UK and European economist at IHS Global Insight, gives a no so hopeful perspective of the situation, meanwhile the worst of the unemployment period has past, he expect that still having a way to rise, that because the economy does not have the strength to creates new jobs in a near time. Mr. Archer also explains that the youth unemployment could reach 1 million the coming year that because the school leavers are not finding job and the next school leavers will be in the same situation what probably will produce an increase in the youth unemployment if the authorities do not concern about it. About the same situation Martina Milburn, chief executive of the Prince's Trust, talks about the needing of support for the youth employment. She puts emphasize in the human cost that the recession has put on the youth people; she says that “Every one of those unemployed is a real person with real talents that can make a difference to this country”.
In the same hand of Mr. Archer, Colin Ellis, European economist at Daiwa Securities, explain that UK still in the “woods” and the unemployment could reach the amount of 3 million, mean this figure is lower that which was expected at the beginning of the recession, is enough high to believe in a real decrease of the unemployment, and if we plus the figures of the inflation, the situation is not so hopeful as we thought.
Summarizing the fact of a lower rising of the unemployment is a sign of the economy relieve, but in a lot of ways the recession is not over and the effects are over the table , the unemployment data is the main sign that the crisis has not left UK.
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
a world of sport
The sport is a very important activity that all we should practice. In my general experience all my life I have been very close to this issue principally because my father is a sport teacher. I used to practice a lot of sport when I lived in Temuco like swimming; atheism; volleyball and basketball, now here in Santiago I don’t have enough time to practice all the spot that I would like to but I do some jogging to relax and for being in shape. Doing sport is a very healthy activity so I always say to my friends if they want to run with me but they don’t have much time to go out. Some of my classmates go to the university gym I think that is a very food initiative. The most of the people that I know do some kind of sport but if I have the opportunity to meet someone who don’t practice any sport I probably would say “if you want to feel better do sport and remember the sentence healthy mind in a healthy body”.
In the general context that we are inserting as a nation we are very lazy, the most of the people don’t do anything to have a good and healthy body. That is maybe the government has no put attention to this issue or the money that they invest is not enough to effort the sport programs. But the most important in that we have to change our cultural thinking about sport which is the beginning to make conscience about the importance of doing sports.
The rodeo for me is not a sport, is a cruel activity that should to be eradicated. I know that is part of our culture as Chileans but is to aggressive and sad that I can imagine doing an Olympic of “rodeo a la chilena”. Another kind of sport that is very awful is the bulls running in Spain. It’s just about killing and humiliating animals, in my perspective that can’t be considerate as a sport.
In the general context that we are inserting as a nation we are very lazy, the most of the people don’t do anything to have a good and healthy body. That is maybe the government has no put attention to this issue or the money that they invest is not enough to effort the sport programs. But the most important in that we have to change our cultural thinking about sport which is the beginning to make conscience about the importance of doing sports.
The rodeo for me is not a sport, is a cruel activity that should to be eradicated. I know that is part of our culture as Chileans but is to aggressive and sad that I can imagine doing an Olympic of “rodeo a la chilena”. Another kind of sport that is very awful is the bulls running in Spain. It’s just about killing and humiliating animals, in my perspective that can’t be considerate as a sport.
miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009
Santiago a place to remember
Santiago in the main city of Chile. I live here since 2007 and in my opinion I believe that is a very interesting city perhaps it has some bad things. If you are a tourist and come here I would told him that a very good place to visit is the Santa Lucia Hill, it’s a very typical place but I just love it and from the top you can get a very good view of all the city. Another place to visit would be the Quinta Normal park and go there to the Natural History Museum or to the Ferry Museum. If you want to have a good time with your friends you can go to the Pio Nono street and walk around the “barrio Bellavista” , there is a lot of places to dance or drink. If is your firs time in Chile take the Transantiago would be a very interesting experience.
Places and activities to do in Santiago.
The government palace: the government palace is a very good place to visit if you are a tourist, you can get inside and see it. Under the palace there is cultural museum and the best of all is that is free.
The main square: there you can visit the cathedral, the national history museum and the principal postal office, all very beautiful buildings. The main square is in the meddle of the down town so you can do some shopping.
Tha Pablo Neruda`s Houses: if you come to Santiago you can visit the places where the famous poet Pablo Neruda used to live. All the houses are a very cultural buildings and have a lot of history between their walls.
The Zoo: The Metropolitan Zoo is located in the San Cristobal Hill, is very beautiful place to the animals and share with you family and you can walk around the hill that is a very beautiful park as well.
The Yungay Neighbourhood : if you want to see a very nice place you can go to the Yungay neighbourhood. It is in the down town and is very popular for their beautiful and paint full old houses and castles.
Places and activities to do in Santiago.
The government palace: the government palace is a very good place to visit if you are a tourist, you can get inside and see it. Under the palace there is cultural museum and the best of all is that is free.
The main square: there you can visit the cathedral, the national history museum and the principal postal office, all very beautiful buildings. The main square is in the meddle of the down town so you can do some shopping.
Tha Pablo Neruda`s Houses: if you come to Santiago you can visit the places where the famous poet Pablo Neruda used to live. All the houses are a very cultural buildings and have a lot of history between their walls.
The Zoo: The Metropolitan Zoo is located in the San Cristobal Hill, is very beautiful place to the animals and share with you family and you can walk around the hill that is a very beautiful park as well.
The Yungay Neighbourhood : if you want to see a very nice place you can go to the Yungay neighbourhood. It is in the down town and is very popular for their beautiful and paint full old houses and castles.
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009
Transantiago ¿is it that bad?
The Transantiago public transportation system in my perspective is better than the last transportation system. The buses are bigger and contribute to decrease the pollution in the city, another good thing that is very different is the mode to pay, using the card “bip” is very convenient and faster than the old system. If I would to say something bad against the transantiago could be about the frequency of the buses some times there is no buses at the street and suddenly you see pas three of four busses at the same time that only shows the bad direction and management of the program but the problem is not of the system by itself, the people who manage the program.
When the program started I didn’t live here in Santiago so I really don’t know how it was but now I can say that I like it, of course that when I have to wait half and hour waiting for the bus or when I take the metro and it’s full of people i got mad but I will not contribute to improve the system if I just compels. I would apply for make it a better public transportation a GPS system that could help to control the frequency of the buses and also create a education program for the people that way they will learn about how use Transantiago in the best form.
When the program started I didn’t live here in Santiago so I really don’t know how it was but now I can say that I like it, of course that when I have to wait half and hour waiting for the bus or when I take the metro and it’s full of people i got mad but I will not contribute to improve the system if I just compels. I would apply for make it a better public transportation a GPS system that could help to control the frequency of the buses and also create a education program for the people that way they will learn about how use Transantiago in the best form.
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
traveling arround the world

The country that I really would like to visit is Italy! Because is very beautiful and I’ve heard the people there is very nice and the culture is amazing. Actually I like all the European countries so I think that any country there is good for me but anyway Italy is the best one. I don’t know to much about Italy just some history about Rome and then when they were part in the second world war, but that’s not the most important for me If I go there I want to know the people, I don’t want to be a tourist, I would like to be part of them. The most that I like to see is the arquitecture and the museums, walking by the street and go to the restaurant and ask for some “spaguetti”. If I have the opportunity to visit Italy I definitely would go to Rome and see the Vatican City and then go to the Coliseum and the Pizza tower. One of my biggest dreams in my life is to live in Italy and be a farmer in the country side and live in a Mediterranean house near to the coast. I even can imagine myself walking through wheat fields
miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009
my experience last semester.
Hello, first of all I’m going to introduce myself again, my name is Jose Bruneau. Actually I’m in my second year at the university, and I study public management.
The most relevant things that I learned the past semester it was about the theory of the organization and the management, and also applied statistics because is very important to know about the quantitative method when then you want to do an investigation. I have to say that the last semester at the beginning I was in a very good shape because I went out to do jogging every day in the week but then when the weather started to change and the cold came I didn’t go out because I really don’t like feel cold and a gym for me is to much expensive. At the end of the last semester I found a part-time job at the airport, it’s very good for me because I got some money and spend my free time working in a very nice job, the people there is very nice and I have the chance to practice my English. About the challenges the last semester, I had to face a lot. The first one was when I arrived in Chile from my work and travel experience in the United Stated. I was very disconcerted because it takes some time to get used to what is happening surround you , the classes were already started and I missed two week so I was very lost. After that the next challenge was organize my time to make compatible my new job with the college. Anyway the last semester was very interesting I had a lot of stress and I did not have all the time to visit my friends in Temuco but that helped me to getting closer to my friend here in Santiago and meet new people. With my family every was the same, I love them so much but how I said the last semester I didn’t have enough time to visit them so I hope this spend more time with then this semester.
The most relevant things that I learned the past semester it was about the theory of the organization and the management, and also applied statistics because is very important to know about the quantitative method when then you want to do an investigation. I have to say that the last semester at the beginning I was in a very good shape because I went out to do jogging every day in the week but then when the weather started to change and the cold came I didn’t go out because I really don’t like feel cold and a gym for me is to much expensive. At the end of the last semester I found a part-time job at the airport, it’s very good for me because I got some money and spend my free time working in a very nice job, the people there is very nice and I have the chance to practice my English. About the challenges the last semester, I had to face a lot. The first one was when I arrived in Chile from my work and travel experience in the United Stated. I was very disconcerted because it takes some time to get used to what is happening surround you , the classes were already started and I missed two week so I was very lost. After that the next challenge was organize my time to make compatible my new job with the college. Anyway the last semester was very interesting I had a lot of stress and I did not have all the time to visit my friends in Temuco but that helped me to getting closer to my friend here in Santiago and meet new people. With my family every was the same, I love them so much but how I said the last semester I didn’t have enough time to visit them so I hope this spend more time with then this semester.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
My blogging experience
Now that we are so close to the end of the semester after all those posts that I made, I think that was a very good way to learn and practice my English. This blogging experience for me was and still being very good exercise to improve my writing skills, and also my grammar. After all this 11 post that I made ... well actually there were just 10 because I miss one (that one about a website related with the major). At first when I started this exercise I thought that was a very good way because we no don’t use to write a lot in the English classes, and then when you have to write you realize that you don’t know how to do it. Now I think that I know a bit more about sentence structure and that it’s very important if then I want to apply to a student exchange. So of course that it helps me!
The advantages of bogging are that you can practice you English, and you have the chance to create and think about some special topic that are changing every week. If you are no good with grammar you can correct it and try to make it better every time you write in your post, and also because in our major is very important know how to write in English, we never know where we will be in our career. Also you can chare your blog with people of other countries and make friends. The disadvantages of using blogging in my opinion could be that we also need to improve our speaking with a more percentage of oral presentation in the semester. I know there are some people to is harder to speak in English but is the best way to learn, if you are a shy person and don’t practice, will very more complicated latter when you want to talk with someone. You can know all the grammar and all the words but you don’t know how to say them you may lose the opportunity to interact with people of other countries.
The advantages of bogging are that you can practice you English, and you have the chance to create and think about some special topic that are changing every week. If you are no good with grammar you can correct it and try to make it better every time you write in your post, and also because in our major is very important know how to write in English, we never know where we will be in our career. Also you can chare your blog with people of other countries and make friends. The disadvantages of using blogging in my opinion could be that we also need to improve our speaking with a more percentage of oral presentation in the semester. I know there are some people to is harder to speak in English but is the best way to learn, if you are a shy person and don’t practice, will very more complicated latter when you want to talk with someone. You can know all the grammar and all the words but you don’t know how to say them you may lose the opportunity to interact with people of other countries.
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
My ideal job is working as a counsellor in the ministry of housing, I would like that job because I think that in Chile the policies about housing are not good targeted. For me the skills that a good counsellor in that area must to have are: know a lot about urbanization, planning, sociology, ecology, and anthropology. Over all that technical skills you have to be emphatic with the things that are happening around you, and to know a lot of management because probable a lot of people will work for you. It’s very important to be present in the ground and see what it’s really happening in the street, you have to understand what are the needing of the people and try to make a plan incorporating all that factor. Working in the ministry of housing for me is not just built, is create a better place to live. A better environment to grown up. I think that I’ll be very good doing that job because I’ve studied those topics, and because I like very much to work for the people and solve their problem in that field. I want to specialized doing a MBA in urbanization so I think that I’ll be ready for that work. To find that job is very difficult, one because you need the experience and to get a job in the public service is no so easy. But if I am good like I’ll hope to I am going to be there.
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
A perfect piece of art

For me the most beautiful and wonderful piece of art is the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence Italy, this cathedra was built in the Renaissance. Its main feature is its huge dome of more than 100 meters tall, never before has been built a dome-shaped structure above a cathedral. The dome was built by Italian architect Brunelleschi, there was a so big task that he even thought in full the cathedra with earth to create the shape of the dome. He finally was able to build it using a crane design created by Da Vinci.
I’ve never been in Italy but the first time I saw it was in my history class when I was in the high school and the teacher shows us the picture in the screen of the data show, I liked so much and I like also the history behind the building. I considered a piece of art and I like very much because shows the human been skills to create new things.
I’ve never been in Italy but the first time I saw it was in my history class when I was in the high school and the teacher shows us the picture in the screen of the data show, I liked so much and I like also the history behind the building. I considered a piece of art and I like very much because shows the human been skills to create new things.
martes, 2 de junio de 2009
do schools kill creativity
Yes they do. sir ken speaks about the influence of the actual educational system in the formation of the children. he says that alL the school are down the same structure, they were made after the industrial revolution and it’s only reason was produce professional to increase the production, the wasn’t room for the music and drawing. but now we know that the education is unpredictable and we never know where we are going to end and about this point is when he says that the creativity and innovation is the most important think that we have to put into the education system in the schools. the school has to push the student to create and think news ideas. the problems as sir ken says is that in the school if you make a mistake is the worst thing that you can do and if you don’t give to the children the room to mistake you will be afraid to create and be innovative. “ we stigmatize the mistakes”.
So the schools just want to produce professional for the university, just think in the production and doesn’t move to think in others way to teach. The schools have to incorporate a very important and new concept that is the human ecology if they don’t and the teaching still being the same the life in earth will end in 50 year as sir ken says, so it’s very important to create a new education system for the schools around the world.
So the schools just want to produce professional for the university, just think in the production and doesn’t move to think in others way to teach. The schools have to incorporate a very important and new concept that is the human ecology if they don’t and the teaching still being the same the life in earth will end in 50 year as sir ken says, so it’s very important to create a new education system for the schools around the world.
martes, 26 de mayo de 2009
The best in my field

The best in my field of studding for me is definitely Henry Mintzberg. He is a very famous contemporaneous theorist of the organization and a management strategist. I know that I already talk bout him in the oral presentation but for me he is a very important person in our field, now with all the paradigm change we have to learn about other points of view about what an organization or an institution means and also we have to change the way that we are doing the management. His work has been focused in the understanding of the composition of the organization and in the teaching of this new management. his most important work is the creation of the theory of the compositions. The composition theory includes the systemic way to understand the organization, in this vision all the part of the organization work together and are united by the spirit of the organization. His innovative work change the all studding of the organizations before him the originations were studied separated from its environment and each part was studied separately. For me he is very important because when you are a beginner in the management study it is very complicated to understand what an organization or an institution is, whit his vision all seem so more easy and you can understand better getting and idea connected with you situation and realizing that an institution is not something hard to explain.
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009
corection post
There is a photograph very important to me. it is in the Villarica`s lake in the south of Chile. I don’t really know who took this picture, it probably was taken by uncle Pity. He loves to take pictures from everybody... All my cousins appears in this photograph, we were 15 at that time, so it was a long line of children in the beach and the funnies, was that I and two other cousins were in the womb of our mothers. At one side of the photograph you can see the lake that has been part of our life since I was born. At the other side is my grandmother my grandfather and the rest of my mother’s brothers and sisters; they are 12. The picture was taken 20 yeas ago, it was probably taken on February because all family reunited in that month and we went together to the beach. We are 34 cousins now and in this summer we want to take the same picture, could you figure that?. I like so much that photograph because shows my family and how united we are, we support each other and we will be always together.
martes, 5 de mayo de 2009
my career
Welcome to my career! The Public management. I’m studying this major because I want to be a politic scientist and this is the only way to get into the politic science studying in the University of Chile so if I want I can chose that option when the third year ends. The contribution of the public managers is in the government field, we organize the public service, serve the needs of the people and manage project and policies for the nation, and we are the bridge between the government and the society that is a very big responsibility and an important contribution. A very good tool in this area is definitely to know English because the world is changing and all the nations and governments are working together in this “globalized” planet, so if you don’t know English will be very difficult in the future to be a good public manager or a politic scientist. At first I didn’t like this major but then I realize that this is what I like; it will give me the tools and enhance my skills. My favorite subject until this time has been “history of the political thinking”, probably that subject won’t be useful in my career but in this major is a very important one. I like to help people; they are the most important element of the Estate and in my career I’ll have the opportunity to do that every time, finding and creating solutions for their problems.
martes, 28 de abril de 2009
a special photograph
There is a photograph very important for me. it is in the villarica`s lake in the south of Chile. I don’t really know who took this picture but probably was my uncle Pity, he is always taking pictures to everybody... In the photograph appear all my cousins and we were 15 in that time, it was a long line in the beach and the most funny is that me and two other cousins still in the womb of our mothers. In one side of the photograph you can see the lake that has been part of our life since I was born and in the other side is my grandmother my grandfather and the rest of my mother’s brothers and sisters, they are 12. The picture was taken 20 yeas ago, probably it was in February because all the whole family reunited in that month and we went together to the beach. Now we are 34 cousins and in this summer we want to take the same picture, can you imagine that?. I like so much that photograph because it shows my family and what united we are, we support each other and we will always be together.
Web Quest: Stages of Life / Your Twenties.
a) I am actually following the point four about get into a exercise routine, I go out 4 times a week to do some jogging and is very good for me because keeps me in a good physical state and I don`t get stress.
-Your puppy fat has gone and you have your own place: it`s like that you are not any more that teenager boy your , your body have changed and now you live the life at you way.
-Give your liver a breather : when you take a moment to think about what are you doing in your life, you stop for a while and then you restart
-Quaff beer with your mates: when you think that there is nothing you can`t do, you are the man of you block and you just want to have fun.
- Stock up on plump, fresh fruit: have a healthy diet to get strengths
-Do regular hamstring stretches: relax, stretch and will make you feel better
-Many blokes regard their 20s as their cowboys-don’t-cry decade: there a lot of boys that do a lot of hard physical activity or they think that being rude it`s the only way to be a real man
-Your puppy fat has gone and you have your own place: it`s like that you are not any more that teenager boy your , your body have changed and now you live the life at you way.
-Give your liver a breather : when you take a moment to think about what are you doing in your life, you stop for a while and then you restart
-Quaff beer with your mates: when you think that there is nothing you can`t do, you are the man of you block and you just want to have fun.
- Stock up on plump, fresh fruit: have a healthy diet to get strengths
-Do regular hamstring stretches: relax, stretch and will make you feel better
-Many blokes regard their 20s as their cowboys-don’t-cry decade: there a lot of boys that do a lot of hard physical activity or they think that being rude it`s the only way to be a real man
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
my technologyc master piece

For my the best piece of technology is definitely the computer… in all its ways , I mean the laptops or the desk computers. I got my first computer when I was like 10 years old … that is a long time ago at that time the computers were very slow and big, now with all the technology you can find faster and smaller computers in the market. I usually use the computer to make my college papers and also because the computer is the only way to get into the internet and it’s very important to be connected in this world, if you aren’t connected in the web you are out of the global community. I also prefer the computer instead the phone for being in contact with my friends and family, so I often used it to know about my mother and my father. I use the computer all the days, some time just for a few minutes to check my e-mail and there is some time that I’m in the computer all the day or night making works or researching in the internet information of the actuality. I like the computer as the best technologic piece because it’s a very easy tool and it’s helps me have a college life easier, in the university you use a lot the computer. that it’s a fact. I can’t imagine the life with out the computers is like an extension of ourselves; the most of the people use the computer every day but if there is something that would change it’s that probably the people beginning to share more, sometimes the computers keep us away from personal interaction with other people and stay in contact with the technology is not bad but being in contact with the people make the different between to be a human being or a machine.
domingo, 12 de abril de 2009
i forgot :P
I completely forgot to introduce myself .. sorry guys.. i´m jose bruneau but you can tell me Nano. I'm going in the second year of the major, I come from temuco. I enjoy reading and my favorite movie is "la lengua de las mariposas"
the change of all the things
each time I wonder about what is means to be a human being, I realize that all the descriptions make me a beast.
martes, 7 de abril de 2009
hello classmates and welcome to my new and first Blog. I hope you enjoy it, I do not think that I am going to write a lot of things here but probably I will read your post frequently to know what you think about whatever you want to talk about. We can define a topic and create a debate; you can feel unfettered to critique and explain your ideas here, open your mind to news way to think. Do not waste your time and try to achieve an evaporating of your ideas expanding it to the highest points, otherwise your mind will withering and it falls in the community of the common thinking. You are an element of change.
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